Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Positive thought is not enough. There must be an acceptance of our power as creators and a knowing expectation that what we give our attention to, we will manifest. In other words, thinking is not sufficient, we must feel, live, and believe that our positive thoughts are in fact creative vibration. Just as important is the way we formulate our positive thinking. All too often we say "I understand the power of positive thinking; I do it all the time." But, when asked how we think, it becomes clear that we do not understand the laws of attraction at all!
You know, we can have the most enlightened beliefs about life and how life works but they can remain pretty much theoretical until we have an opportunity to practice our beliefs. Our life is reflection of our beliefs, that make us, that define us, who we are?
I continue to have many opportunities to remind myself that I'm the decision maker for my life. And I can tell you that accepting the power and responsibility that come with truly being the decision maker for my life aligns me with bold, empowered choices as well as bold, empowered actions.
Have posotive attitude towards life, mak eyour life enjoyable and more lovable in all way. enjoy your with beautifully and happily with online cake delivery in gurgaon.

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